Sunday, May 16, 2010

KC Interview

Deedee, Brielle, and I made the trek to Kansas City for my last interview in March. We got to spend a few hours with one of my best friends from the college days. It was so great seeing JM, Allison, and their beautiful daughter, Jenna.
Disclaimer, this is his shot, but it is much too good not to post.
JM and Allison took us out to a restaurant called "Noodles".
After dinner, JM said "Put Bri up against that wall, the colors really compliment her eyes".
He was right!

Check out his website to the right if you like his work - he's got a great eye.

Digital Wizardry Photography

Look at these two handsome guys...
You may ask how two beat-down residents still find the time to groom to such a level of perfection... Some people just have it naturally...

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  1. Kev,

    It was great seeing you too my friend! I was telling one of my cohorts up here about how long it's been since we last saw each other - I told them that I have missed you for so long, I almost forgot what it felt like NOT to miss you :)

    Always know that, no matter what town I am, you always have an open door waiting for ya!


    P.S. And yes...some people just have it naturally...and you will get there, someday my friend...someday... LOL!
